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DBT Process Group

Who is a good fit for the DBT Process Group?

The DBT Process Groups are designed for clients who wish to receive accountability, support from peers, and benefits of DBT coaching from the therapist in a group environment.   


Similarly to the DBT Advanced Groups, these group were designed for clients who value receiving long term therapy but with a low level of care, as these groups only meet for one hour every other week. 


How these groups are different than the DBT Advanced groups is that no curriculum or homework is used. The full hour of group is spent on coaching, interaction, and feedback amongst peers.   These groups are a good fit for clients who value receiving feedback from peers, having others point out their blind spots, and value connecting with others in a group setting.  


Personally, I have seen how these groups really possess a sense of comraderie and cohesiveness. Clients really get to know each other over a period of time and receive the benefits of receiving encouragement and support from others.   


These DBT Process Groups are a good fit for clients who graduated the DBT Skills groups, want to continue gaining confidence in their use of skills, and desire to learn from others in a group setting.   All of my DBT Process Groups are co-ed, as I have found that clients find it beneficial to receive feedback from others of the opposite gender, especially as it relates to marriage and relationship issues. â€‹â€‹â€‹


People at group therapy session indoors, closeup.jpg

What is Taught in DBT?

1 / Core Mindfulness

Learning how to be present in the here and now and have more control over your mind

2 / Interpersonal Effectiveness

Learning how to communicate assertively in relationships while enhancing the relationship and maintaining self-respect

3 / Emotion Regulation

learning how to understand your emotions and improve your ability to manage your emotions

4 / Distress Tolerance

Learning how to cope with distress without self-destructive behavior patterns

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