Benefits of DBT Skills Groups
Consistent weekly coaching from DBT Skills Coach leads to increased understanding and application of DBT skills
Observation of other group members provides added insight of issues and modeling of vulnerability
Sharing of stressors and symptoms reduces feelings of shame and isolation
Worksheets, DBT Diary Card, and repetition of skills taught enables the retraining of the brain process to learn new thinking patterns and reduce crisis behaviors
Experience of DBT Skills coach (15 years) enables clients to receive coaching on a wide range of issues and how to apply a combination of DBT skills which leads to increased confidence to cope with everyday life issues
Benefits of DBT Advanced Groups
Smaller group setting with consistent group members allows for group interaction and feedback which leads to enhanced interpersonal effectiveness skills
Higher level worksheets allow clients to receive coaching on how to apply a combination of DBT skills to everyday hot topic issues (examples of worksheets include: "Control is an Illusion", "Relationship Insecurities", "The Root of My Rumination")
Group members are placed in groups with others with similar issues and life stage in order to increase group comradery, cohesiveness, and opportunity for vulnerable sharing
Twice a month therapy provides clients with a low level affordable way to continue receiving DBT treatment in order to retrain the brain, get the DBT skills engrained and improve quality of life issues